I’m developing a performative genre of sculptural or artistic walk for a long time. Some of my first sculptural walks were from the time of my studies at Academy of Fine Art and Design (where I was making big toy boat from polystyrene to sail it on Ljubljanica river). Performative moment is characterized as ephemeral event – what stays remains like a statue or installation witnessing the moment and narative. On Sunday 4th of September 2016 I walked from Koseze Pond and across the Golovec Hill on a trail better known as The Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship (Slovene: Pot spominov in tovarištva, acronym PST), also referred to as the Trail Along the Wire (Pot ob žici), the Trail Around Ljubljana (Pot okoli Ljubljane), or the Green Ring (Zeleni prstan). I walked some 12 km of a gravel-paved recreational and memorial walkway (whole: almost 33 km). On my back I had statue of sewn fabric in the form of a star (also one of the symbols of the Trail). Bag was filled with 25 kg of sand which was dribbling out.
Sculptural walk was a part of series of art event of Artist Society Ljubljana: Art on the street (Umetnost na ulici), and was produced by Institute for Arts Gulag. Sewing of a sculpture was possible with a help of Sandra Birjukov.