Exhibition opening: Thursday, 20th December 2018, 8 pm
Kapelica Gallery, BioTehna Laboratory, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
‘Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert.‘
Donna Haraway
The current use of neuron cells in the science of living systems deals with testing medication on one hand and creating organic tissues on the other, the latter trying to create systems that have different characteristics from computers and better learning capabilities, as they are capable of independent development and change. Neurons can be understood as an active, self-developing circuit, through which information travels in the form of electric signals. The artist’s work has become emancipated from human culture and has entered the undefined space in which events unregulated by human activities take place.
The artistic gesture moves from the mimetic into direct creation of life, which opens space for the emergence of aesthetics that have no support in art theories. We have found ourselves in a situation in which we need to lean upon scientific philosophy and the awareness of a social reality that is being increasingly regulated by advanced technological applications. It is possible that the dysfunctionality of the obviously working hybrid is charged with the metaphysical, but the closer awareness of life’s vulnerability on an increasingly toxic planet opens new sublime dimensions of the ‘FlaNeuron’, which is slowly developing into an increasingly complex life form.
Within the artist’s work ‘FlaNeuron*’ is a move towards a greater connection between the movement mechanisms and the biological material, which creates a bionic mixture of electronics and neuron cells. The fusion of computer circuits and cell culture is a hybrid construction of a semi-living organism with which we need to develop a relationship as well as establish protocols that will take care of this new cybernetic being. Even today the cyborgs’ status includes the fragmented, unstable, in the social field undefined identity, that is trying to establish meaning.
* Flâneur = fr. In the work of Walter Benjamin a stroller
Concept and development: Zoran Srdić Janežič | Curatorial guidance: Jurij Krpan | Programming and electronics: Matic Potočnik, Erik Krkač, Blaž Berdnik | Construction of robot mechanism and AutoCAD scheme: Nina Rojc | Construction of robot mechanism and 3D modelling: Cveto Kuniševič | Stereolithographic print: Tomo Per, Roglab | Knitted construction: Lara Mastnak | Biotechnological development: Kristijan Tkalec | Producer: Jana Putrle Srdić | Text: Jana Putrle Srdić, Jurij Krpan | Consulting: Živa Marinko, Mojca Založnik, dr. Stephen Minger | Special thanks: Franc Petač – FPT-LIV d.o.o., Guy Ben-Ary, Nathan Thompson
Producer: Gulag Institute | Coproducers: Kapelica Gallery, BioTehna Lab / Kersnikova Institute, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre | Support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ljubljana.
All photos are made by Miha Fras
Additional information about the project is on the Contemporary Art youtube Channel
In the project, we used MEA Multi-Channel Systems and scientific protocols for developing cells (for more see bibliography). All rules and regulations of working with cells were adhered to.