Notes on three legged robots
March 5, 2024
konSekvence exhibition at the Cukrarna – television RTV Slovenija
RTV Slovenija television culture program about konSekvence exhibition at the Cukrarna.
March 9, 2023
Presentation of artist
Presentation of the artist by KonS - Platforma za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost
March 4, 2023
Konsekvence: Petnajst del, ki kažejo obrise mogočih ekosistemov
The announcement of the exhibition conSequences offers a simplified question that connects the 15 art and research works of the new exhibition konSekvence – Fragmenti možnega ekosistema / conSequences - Fragments of a Possible Ecosystem at the Cukrarna.
March 3, 2023
an article on the empowerment of scenic elements as equal play vehicles
The Contemporary Puppetry website has an article on the empowerment of scenic elements as equal acting for play.
November 8, 2022
Ars Electronica Filckr post
The project is focused on tissue engineering and the harvesting of an electric signal from neurons which influences the movement and shape of a biobot.
September 7, 2022
Draft as a work of art
Article from Gorenjski glas featuring an exhibition entitled Raz-glednice on display in the Small Gallery of the Kranj Art Society.
August 10, 2022
Conversation with different participants of a project Biobot
December 22, 2020
Public monument erected
Work on instalation of a public monument Ob 100. obletnici priključitve Prekmurja in prekmurskih Slovencev z matičnim narodom is in a finishing stage.
May 8, 2020
My suggestions was the work of Guy Ben-Ary and Nathan Thompson and Margherita Pevere and Marco Donnarumma. More on the link. Good work Živa and guys.
April 16, 2020
Videos about Biobot collaboration with Lab equipment manufacturer Kambič
Video made in the START's residency at Centre 104 in Paris and video of the process and development of incubator and other aspects of project Biobot.
April 7, 2020
Javna branja: Bookish fools
April 7, 2020
A short review of project ESKAMONTAŽA
March 6, 2020
Biobot – Insider presented in Paris
February 28, 2020
Drift wood sculpture on group exhibition in Kranj
December 17, 2019
creating a new blogger for this years project FlaNeuron
March 18, 2018
Exhibition Densifying at Mestna galerija Ljubljana
February 4, 2018
Horsepower goes on festival MFRU, Maribor
October 11, 2017
Eppur si mouve illuminare
September 29, 2017